
Saturday, October 11, 2008

T2 - 40/42.

40 - 6 meals/lower body PT/2.5-3L water
41 - 4 meals/20m cardio-shadowboxing/2.5L water
42 - today/free day

Crappy workouts, but not half bad considering I've been fighting a cold since Thursday night or so. The requisite runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, etc, etc. And the weirdest part, whenever I get sick, all my old injuries [neck, hip, knee] tighten up and hurt like hell. Wonder why that is, exactly, but they do...

But the only time I've actually felt decent during the last couple days is during my workout, as lethargic and half-assed as those sessions might have been. Thank the invisible sky gods for endorphins and adrenaline, I guess.

Day off today, with some hiking/active recovery over with the Adachi clan. Pics to follow, as per usual.

Inspiration: - Female Transformation Of The Week - Female Transformation Of The Week - Lisa Romero!:
Age: 26
Weight: 120.5 lbs
Body Fat: 23.3%
Waist: 31'

Age: 26
Weight: 105.2 lbs
Body Fat: 16.15%
Waist: 26.5'

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