
Friday, October 03, 2008

There's entirely too much about Sarah Palin on my blog. But it's like a car accident. I can't not look.

Palin Debate Prep Flowchart - Boing Boing

Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Famous People - Jumping the gun. [This is real.]

American Fascist Writer Westbrook Pegler - Boing Boing:
"Clayton Cubitt blogs:
“Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin quoted an unidentified “writer” who extolled the virtues of small-town America: “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.” (9/3/08) The unidentified writer was Westbrook Pegler (1894-1969), the ultraconservative newspaper columnist whose widely syndicated columns (at its peak, 200 newspapers and 12 million readers) targeted the New Deal establishment, labor leaders, intellectuals, homosexuals, Jews, and poets.”
I disagree with him fully. Except for the poets. Fucking poets."

Jumpoff Street Battle: Palin vs. Biden:
"Imagining if Palin and Biden tried to settle things with an emcee battle (Although I'm expecting Palin to do better than this in the real thing)...

Hit & Run > Biden Wins - Reason Magazine:
"I didn't expect Sarah Palin to melt down, no more than conservatives should have expected Obama to implode without the aide of a teleprompter. You don't get elected governor if every public performance is a Katie Couric interview. But for her to recover the spotlight and the momentum of early September she needed to prove that she knew more than talking points and Wasilla. She didn't. For Biden to implode he needed to lose his cool, invade her space, or talk past the audience. He didn't. Notably, Biden talked about people he knew in Delaware. Palin talked about herself."

Hit & Run > Dick Cheney Wanted to Work With Special Needs Kids Too, But the Kids Said No - Reason Magazine:
"By ordinary standards, Joe Biden 'won' the debate. He was more articulate, seemed more conversant with the facts, made more of an effort to answer the questions. But Sarah Palin's performance was so weird that I don't know how to judge it. She just wasn't playing the same game as her opponent.

The Alaskan dived deep into the Avatar Of The Everyday American role, not just with cloying, self-conscious allusions to 'Joe Six-Pack' and 'hockey moms' and soccer sidelines and so on, but by stammering through her answers like she'd won an Anyone Can Debate Joe Biden contest. Maybe there's a method to this madness. Maybe she was authentic enough to impress a lot of viewers as Someone Like Me, evasive and incoherent enough to lure Democrats into attacks that might be seen as mocking People Like You.

Or maybe she just came off as an ill-informed panderer. Who knows? I appreciated the debate as Dada, at any rate, especially that bizarre exchange about the vice president's powers."

Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits

Even Japan knows Sarah Palin is a train wreck.

Japanese TV reports on Sarah Palin | Japan Probe:
"In a Japan Probe post last month, I mentioned the Japanese media’s focus on Sarah Palin in the U.S. presidential race. Initial reports were mostly about her personality and her exotic background, but the Japanese media has since moved on to covering her lack of experience and the many gaffes she makes."

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