
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The real reason our government is always broke.

Here's a radical concept - how about we stop policing the world and fix America, hmmm?

People are rightfully bitching and complaining about the 700 billion dollar economic bailout, but when it's par for the course spending, nary a sound is heard...

Hit & Run > The Nearly $700 Billion Payout No One Talked Much About - Reason Magazine:
"Decrier of American expansionist foreign policy Chalmers Johnson gripes... about how no one paid much mind to the casual passage by the House this week of a $612 billion defense authorization...

Our annual spending on 'national security' – meaning the defense budget plus all military expenditures hidden in the budgets for the departments of Energy, State, Treasury, Veterans Affairs, the CIA, and numerous other places in the executive branch – already exceeds a trillion dollars, an amount larger than that of all other national defense budgets combined.""

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