
Friday, September 05, 2008

T2 - 4, 5 &6.

4 - 20m cardio/shadowboxing, 6 meals, 2L water
5 - Upper body, 6 meals, 2.5L water
6 - tomorrow... rest/free.


Pay Now Live Later: You’re on that Funny Diet, Right?:
"Somehow, society has given us the message that as humans we are entitled to have the things we enjoy all the time. We have grown up believing that the de facto state of affairs should be that we are deriving pleasure from what we do. Is this a western phenomenon, or worldwide? I am not sure. Either way, because of this, we tend to assume that when someone describes a diet that limits what they can eat, they must be “on a diet” rather than “this is their diet, period.” The idea that someone has taken the decision to restrict what they eat permanently, by and large, does not compute – and the more radical the change, the bigger the computational challenge.

Rather than rail against the world, I have decided to celebrate the opportunity this gives us for pithy, sarcastic responses."
One of the reasons I was I fat little kid. Little Debbie equalled love, indeed.

"Clip from the documentary "Fat Head." Guess what? Fat and cholesterol don't cause heart disease. The theory was based on bogus science from the very beginning."

"The McGovern Report - The official government policy of promoting a lowfat diet had nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics."

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