
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Innappropriate Engrish.

When your female, elementary school, 4th grade student is wearing a Tshirt that says "Double Breast - DB."

Japan is... quirky... in its English comprehension, on occasion.


  1. Do you get weirded out as much as I do about the proliferation of "Playboy" (complete with bunny) as a brand name on children's clothing?

  2. Yeah, that did trip me out at first. That, and the constant marijuana pencil cases. [Whose meaning I had to actually explain to some English teachers...]

    But once I saw the 3 year old toddler with "BITCH" brand sneakers, very little surprises me.

    OTOH, I'm less weirded out than I am pleasantly amused at the randomness and relativity of culture and meaning. But I'm weird. :)
