
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brainwashing 101.

I only felt like posting this up because when I clicked over to read's brainwashing joke-y fest, one of the first pics was this...

...and I realized maybe, 6 or 7 years ago, that the military is such an obvious brainwashing organization. Clear, in hindsight, but it was a bit of a shock and revelation at the time.

I picked up on it, of course, reading some R.A. Wilson, talking about using meditations and peak experiences to re-imprint conditioning.

Fundamentally, to brainwash someone, to re-imprint their cultural conditioning, you go through some very specific steps...

Isolate and eliminate prior support networks. Confuse, disorient. Increase feelings of inadequacy, dependence and helplessness. Control their food/feeding cycle. Infantilize them.

Once you've snapped their previous conditioning, you implant what you like. You reward "achievement" - i.e. whatever behavior you want - while continuing to degrade the subject in all other areas. Instill regimented movement patterns and response to instruction. Another easy one, obvious in hindsight, is the use of specific in-group language and jargon, fostering a new sense of "community" and group-think. [For example, military language - bulkhead - vice wall, head - vice bathroom, etc, etc...]

Initiation rituals are also extremely common... "The Crucible" in the Marines, climbing the Herndon monument at USNA, in order to fulfill very specific psychological imprinting...

"Breaking you down and building you back up" is the polite way the military phrases it. Brainwashing, if the "bad guys" do it. Same same.

6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now |
"#6.Chanting Slogans

Every cult leader, drill sergeant, self-help guru and politician knows that if you want to quiet all of those pesky doubting thoughts in a crowd, get them to chant a repetitive phrase or slogan. Those are referred to as thought-stopping techniques, because for better or worse, they do exactly that.

Sounds like:

"Say it with me now, folks!"


"One, two, three, four, I, Love, The Marine, Corps. One, two..."

Recently Seen:
At the political conventions, notice how they trained the audiences to fill the gaps between applause lines with chants ("U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!") rather than, say, pensive silence to carefully consider what the speaker has just said.

Also, those of you who've worked at Wal-Mart are familiar with the "Wal-Mart Cheer" that begins every shift...

#5.Slipping Bullshit Into Your Subconscious
#4.Controlling What You Watch and Read
#3.Keeping You In Line With Shame
#2.Black and White Choices
#1."Us vs. Them""

Some of the original Wilson stuff I read years ago. With Timothy Leary.

How To Wash Brains

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