
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Thailand - And we're off!

Day 1/Evening 1.

My view for much of the trip.

Off to "Cabbages and Condoms" for dinner. Not exactly sure of the Japan connection, though the first Google hit goes to this Japanese website, and the menu cover, obviously, namechecks Japan.

"Our food guaranteed not to cause pregnancy."

Cabbages & Condoms Restaurant:
"As one of the most unique restaurants in Metropolitan Bangkok, the Cabbages and Condoms (C&C) Restaurant has attracted international attention... C&C is very popular among local and foreign clients.

Our restaurant was conceptualized in part to promote better understanding and acceptance of family planning and to generate income to support various development activities of the Population and Community Development Association (PDA)"

Crab Meat Red Curry w/Betel Leaves is awesome. First Thai curry, and it was delicious. Plus the beer at the end of the long travel day didn't hurt.

Sandy's happy "no more airplanes today" face.

Condom decor.

Democrat and Republican size were both the same, forestalling any political debate.

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