
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama picks Biden for VP.

There's a bunch of stuff I can disagree with Biden on, but I've always liked the fact he's gotten in trouble a lot for shooting his mouth off and shooting from the hip. If nothing else, he seems to be a guy who'll tell you what he thinks and isn't constantly censuring himself or polling the public before telling you his opinion. He seems less ostensibly full of it than some others.

Like this:

Hit & Run > Obama Chooses Talky Joe - Reason Magazine:
"A personal anecdote: One of the few advantages in working for one of those anachronistic newspaper editorial-board thingies is that a parade of top political candidates and office-holders comes trudging through, offering a crucial opportunity for snap character assessments. During my time at the L.A. Times I saw John Edwards (insufferably insincere nancy boy), Bill Richardson (a huge disappointment: backpedaling on trade, pie-in-the-skying on Iraq, and just not particularly smart)...and then there was Joe Biden. To my great surprise, I found him pretty dang sharp, with layer upon layer of knowledge about the history, present, and future of Iraq, and also about wonky parliamentary maneuvering in the United States Senate. Afterward, the then-publisher of the paper, a Reagan Republican named David Hiller, was all hey he was pretty impressive, wasn't he? And just when you were about to say 'yes' you'd remember all the horse-puckey Biden talked about economics, trade, regulation, and so on."

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