
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Biking home from work the other day, a crab scurried across the road in front of me.

We're only a couple miles from the beach, but I hadn't ever seen that before. Snakes, on occasion, but never a crab.

Crab Animal Symbolism:
"...Crabs cast off their shells for new ones, and this is where the rebirth/cycling association plays its part.

The protective animal symbolism is evident in the hard, spiny exo-skeleton found with these creatures.

When the crab crawls into our consciousness we're reminded of the cyclical nature in our lives and what protection we may need for the path on which we embark.

...As an animal totem, the crab's ambulation is noteworthy. Never taking a direct (forward, or head-on) route, the crab makes its way on land with a sideways tap-dance. This is a reminder that not all paths are direct and not all ways will be forthcoming in their meaning. When you are moving in a certain direction, and you feel a bit misguided, call upon the travel-savvy crab. She will guide you in an unorthodox way - taking lesser known paths of least resistance and bring you to clarity."

1 comment:

  1. Dude,
    I seen a snake last week while MTBing through the Koga forest...grandma said seeing a snake meant..."it brings money to you", I didn't have the heart to tell her that I ran it over because I couldn't stop in time (A.K.A. it scared the shit out of me and I was afraid to slow down).
