
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Training 97-98.

97 - Free/Rest/Carb day

98 - Nutrition
- Free/Carb
PT - 30m Rutten MMA wkout/Thai Boxing 3m rounds

Inspiration: - Over 40 Transformation Of The Week - Over 40 Bodybuilder Of The Week - Ed Cook!:
"Name: Ed Cook
Age: 54

...If I were to give advice to someone who want to transform their body, I would say one thing, "Intensity, with consistency, brings density!" You have to be disciplined. The days you feel the worst about yourself, the days you feel tired, worn out, out of it, what ever it is that's bringing you down, you get up, get off your butt, and train like h*ll! I don't believe in "over training." I believe it is a myth. I believe it is nothing more then poor training, poor diet, and laziness."

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