
Sunday, July 27, 2008

"So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye..."

And on Saturday night we had our farewell gala for a bunch of our local crew - Kathy, Elaine, Andy. The standard Fukutsu event - Bagus + karaoke.

Little commentary required, as the pics speak for themselves. Good food, good drinks, and most of all - good people.

Jon and his evil shot-drinking plans. Tequila sucks. Hard. And one day I'll be strong enough to resist peer pressure. [But then I won't be cool and people won't like me.] But jesus god almighty do I hate tequila.

Kathy and her crazed look, having cleverly found a way to avoid the evil shot.

My sempai.

Kathy is "this many" years old. [Actually, this is when Kathy defends from stalker paparazzi like me.]

"Bad Boys."

ALTs in Japan. Corrupting young minds, drinking all the alcohol.

On to karaoke!

I've never loved Anton more than when he picked up the tambourine.

Mike has never seemed happier than when he was able to sing Gundam karaoke. Otaku Pride!

You know, I'm clearly punching above my weight in this marriage.

"Only you can prevent forest fires."

Singing their little hearts out.

"Bad Boys, pt II."

Even Anton sings. "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees. [That's not very punk rock, young man.]

How I'll always remember Kathy... mysterious and sophisticated. No wait... I meant slightly silly. :)

Even more photos here:

1 comment:

  1. A good summary to a good night. It's sad, but then for JETs the end of July is always about endings and beginnings.
