
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The correct answer to the question is "The Iran-Contra Affair."

Of course Reagan may have been going senile/Alzheimer's by then [though I doubt it] so he might not have been lying.

Balloon Juice:
"At what point did it get this bad that the people in the Tillman case knew they could just get away with saying “I don’t remember” to everything, and no one would do anything about it? The Bush administration has been lying at will for years, and no one cares. How did it get this bad? When did it happen? How did it happen?

Should we get lucky and Obama wins the General, this will be my headline:
“Obama wins. Republicans and media rediscover Constitution, rule of law, limits on executive authority.”"

Balloon Juice:
"...this attitude that people who knowingly broke the law should be protected from consequences because that would be, like, crazy man, is exactly what the powerful white guys planned when they broke the law."

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