
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Anger for the day.

You know, I honestly don't know why I read this stuff sometimes... so much stupidity in the world, it makes my blood boil. I've yet to develop the capacity to completely ignore these people.

Fucked up prosecutors and legal system: Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > This Week in Innocence:
"DNA testing finally exonerates a Texas man for a rape he always said he didn't commit. Unfortunately, Tim Cole died in a Texas prison nine years ago. Another man confessed to the rape in 1995, but authorities ignored him."

Price gouging fear mongering douchebags: New York Yankees ban sunblock "to fight terrorism" -- sell replacements at $5/oz - Boing Boing:
"The NY Yankees banned sunblock at Yankee stadium 'to prevent terrorism.' On a blistering hot day. And sold high-markup, crappy sunblock inside the gates. You know, as soon as we said 'There is no price too high to pay in the war on terror,' we lost -- and every sleazy con-artist, profiteer, greedhead and crook won."

McCain losing his damn mind: Crooks and Liars » Time to start rationing veterans’ healthcare?:
"It seems hard to imagine a presidential candidate, running in the midst of two wars, openly speculate about cutting back on veterans’ healthcare. And yet, here we are.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain appeared Tuesday to suggest rationing of veterans’ health care may be needed so combat veterans can receive the care they deserve."

No freedom of assemby for you: Obama Berlin Speech: US Foreign Service Workers Instructed Not To Attend:
"Although it appears most of Berlin is heading to Obama's speech today, US Foreign Service personnel will be banned from the event. And they are not happy. The American Foreign Service Association, a union of Foreign Service workers are opposing the rule.

...The U.S. Embassy in Berlin has instructed Foreign Service personnel stationed there not to attend Sen. Barack Obama's public rally today, which the State Department this week labeled a "partisan political activity" prohibited under its regulations for those serving overseas.

Government employees serving in the United States are permitted to attend such events under the Hatch Act, which bars other partisan activity, such as contributing money or working in behalf of a candidate... "

The drug war is retarded... drug "warriors," morons: Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Anti-Heroin Hero Explains Why Afghan Flop Is Everyone Else's Fault:
"...Thomas Schweich, a former State Department counternarcotics official, asks, "Is Afghanistan a Narco-State?" Schweich takes 5,500 words to tell his tale of how the good work of brave, committed drug warriors like himself was stymied by "an odd cabal of timorous Europeans, myopic media outlets, corrupt Afghans, blinkered Pentagon officers, politically motivated Democrats and the Taliban." But the short answer to the headine question is yes. A more interesting question, one that Schweich never asks: Why is Afghanistan a narco-state?

...critics of Schweich's gung-ho approach, including American and British military officials, view the anti-drug fight as not just distracting but counterproductive, alienating Afghan farmers and strengthening the Taliban. Schweich reports he was astonished to discover that "British forces—centered in Helmand—actually issued leaflets and bought radio advertisements telling the local criminals that the British military was not part of the anti-poppy effort." Schweich brags that he put a stop to that. But is it really so crazy to reassure people whose support you're trying to win (or whose violent opposition you're trying to avoid) that your aim is not to deprive them of their livelihood or to wipe out half of their country's economy?"

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