
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sunnahamashukai - Sand and Seaweed sculptures by tiny elementary school children.

I'm sure I butchered the romaji above, but on Monday I hiked out to the beach with one of my elementary schools so they could partake of their annual cultural beach time goodness.

I went with two years ago, but missed last year, so it was cool to be able to head out with them again.

And we managed to get out there before the rain hit.

Turtles were a popular topic of construction.

As were sharks.

[That is one happy shark down below there.]

And two, count 'em, two Mickey Mouses.

[Mickey Mice? Meeses?]

Whatever. Disney owns the souls of even Japanese children, apparently.

I, however, enjoyed the stark simplicity of the stingray.

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