
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Random JET Programme Ruminations...

Rainy season bites. I'm already sick to death of getting pissed on and soaked biking to and from work every day. Not to mention my bike - the one that wasn't stolen - really only has one semi functional working brake, and in the rain it's not the best. Time to suck it up and buy a new bike, especially with the increased biking I'ma haveta do next from Sept.

Speaking of... Next year has potential clusterfuck written all over it... one fewer JET, 2-3 more schools to go to. I'm trying to maintain a positive mental outlook, but... [heavy sigh] You know, I'm sure it'll all play out okay. And the kids'll be cool. But honestly, given that I'm not gonna be at the new schools enough to really learn the kids personalities, I resent the fuck out of the fact that it'll be taking me out of and taking time away from the schools and students I spent time developing relationships with over the last 3 years. I resent that quite a lot actually. That, plus the whole "Let's up the English requirements in schools at the same time scaling back the JET Programme" bullshit.

Why Elementary Schools rock... yes, they are thoroughly exhausting, but at what other job are people - okay, yes, children - but at what other job can you be greeted by hordes of folks who are absolutely thrilled, delighted and excited to see you? Yes, it may be because I'm tall and white and have a kooky shaved head and look strange, but you know what? Does not matter. I thoroughly recommend Japanese elementary school visits for those depressed, with low self esteem or just in need of an ego shot.

13, 21, 33 months from now... Almost July. End of July is the end of my 3rd year contract, the beginning of my 4th. And as this is almost certainly my last year... kind of sad. Every thing I do this next year will be the last time I do it as a JET. Last summer vacation. Last bunkasai. Last undokai. Last enkais. Last high school test prep. Last graduation. Sad.

I was in class with the 1st graders at Jr High the other day [Who are coming along nicely, 3 months into the year, I might add. Gonna be another excellent class, much like this year's 2nd graders - who are into their 2nd year 'dip'/can't be bothered/gonna screw off for a little bit' phase - and last year's 3rd graders - probably my favorite class since I've been here] - but I digress.

Anyways, in class the other day and I was struck by the thought - "I will not see these kids graduate Jr High." I won't even see this year's 2nd graders graduate. And that did, indeed, bum me out for quite some time. I find myself getting really attached to the kids I teach, despite the language barrier. I really want to see them finish, see them succeed, see them accomplish the things they want. I'll admit to choking up a bit at last year's graduation. [But no tears, of course. I'm a dude.] But after next summer, I won't have that opportunity. 13 months from now, it'll all be over. That does bum me out to the nth degree, to be honest.

So I couldn't help but think that in 21 months, when this year's second graders graduate, and in 33 months, when this year's first graders do likewise, maybe I could come back to Japan for a week or so to catch their graduation, see them one last time. I'd like that. I've heard of some JETs doing that, coming back for a graduation ceremony. Maybe it'll be possible. Given that I've not clue one about where or what or how my life'll be like that far in advance of the actual dates, it's really hard to say whether I'll have the wherewithal, the opportunity or the $$ to do it. [Especially the $$, as gas prices continue to go insane, I shudder to think what plane tix are gonna cost a year and half from now...]

But the idea of coming back that final time, visiting with the students and congratulating them on their graduation day, finding a way of showing them - since words fail, especially for me, in Japanese - that I've truly appreciated this experience and knowing them... well those are happy thoughts.

And they blunt some of the sadness I feel in knowing it'll all be over soon.

And I'm gonna hold onto those thoughts for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I second the elementary school stuff, Rob. Love going there, wish I could do that every day.
