
Friday, June 13, 2008

About food. Blog » Be Moderate In Everything, Including Moderation:
"...For every decision, there is a consequence. Ask yourself why you eat your food? Do you base your decisions entirely upon taste? Is taste all that matters? What about health? Much of my eating decisions are made with health in mind. Is it fanatical to take health seriously? I enjoy being healthy. What’s wrong with that? It’s an added benefit that the foods I eat happen to be tasty. I don’t live solely for taste however.

...I see people every day who complain about feeling tired, bitch about one ailment after another, and struggle to function in the world without a never ending supply of coffee. Does anyone actually strive to feel this way? Is it worth it? Is that what you want to be remembered for? Does junk food offer a hidden high that surpasses the crappy feelings (physical) that you experience the rest of the day?"

Great tips. Altering mindsets about food has been... interesting... the last couple months. I realize I used to, and still sometimes do, eat when I'm bored. And tired. And craving a sugar rush. And not paying very much attention. Very much emotionally based "comfort food" tripe. How you [and by "you" I obviously mean "me"] fall into these kinds of habits is almost an insidious thing.

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