
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

65! Awesome.

Bodybuilding keeps 65-year-old young - Saturday, May 24, 2008:
Sam J. Bryant is working to spend the rest of his life healthy.

He's 65, an age at which most of his peers are either retired or nearly so and whose idea of a physical workout is a full 18 holes of golf without benefit of a cart.

But Mr. Bryant is still pushing his body like a man a third his age, spending five hours a day in the gym four or five times a week, prepping for professional bodybuilding competitions.

"People can't believe I'm 65," he said. "That makes me feel good. I see people my age that have already gave up."

Mr. Bryant, a housekeeping employee of Omni Health & Fitness of Augusta, took up the sport when he was 43 after he was invited to a contest by a friend.

..."The young guys claim they are going to beat me," he said. "So I just work hard. I'm not going to just lay it down and let them have it."

Mr. Bryant isn't trying to prove himself; he is trying to preserve his health.

"I'm not trying to prove a point that I'm better than you," he said. "I just want them to know that I can do what you do. It's not my age that has anything to do with it."

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