
Monday, October 01, 2007

Only in North Carolina.

Man wants shared custody of other man's leg - Boing Boing:
"Three years ago, John Wood's leg was amputated after it was injured in a plane crash. He kept the leg and dried it so it could be someday buried with him. Eventually the limb ended up in a barbecue smoker in a storage facility. After Wood stopped paying rent on the storage space, the items were sold off. Shannon Whisnant of Maiden, North Carolina bought the smoker and, unknowingly, the desiccated limb. This week, Wood is coming to Maiden to pick up the leg but Whisnant wants to keep it."


  1. On a further note, the 'original' owner of the leg never made it to the meeting with the current owner. His excuse? He couldn't get a ride to meet the guy. True story.

    1. That is not true JM...I am the owner of the leg.I have it now.
