
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Why conspiracies always make sense to me.

Black Ops by Clyde Wilson:
"I am not a "conspiracy theorist," but, like any old newspaperman, I am a skeptic. In the years of my misspent youth as a reporter I saw police chiefs, mayors, newspaper executives, and other dignitaries lie and distort and suppress the truth. I am inclined to suspect that such is even more likely among the feds, for whom the stakes are much greater.

...I take this to be true: the politicians who wield the immense powers of the U.S. government will murder Americans if it serves their agenda and they can get away with. To think otherwise is to take an excessively naïve attitude toward Power. Those politicians have a lifetime record of self-serving and lack of moral principle – else they would not be where they are. Power corrupts. Power can only be checked by counter Power. The U.S. government exercises much power that is unchecked, unresponsible, and clandestine. This has been habitual and institutionalized at least since World War II.

...We know that politicians lied about the sinking of the "Maine," Pearl Harbour, the Gulf of Tonkin, Waco, and Iraqi WMD.

[Not to mention, in my lifetime alone - Watergate, Abscam, Iran-Contra, and of course, Bill Clinton's penis. - Rob]

...The most important point here is that Power is by its nature dangerous, acquisitive, and corrupting and must always be watched and questioned by people who wish to retain their freedom."

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