
Saturday, September 01, 2007

What if?

Approach Anxiety » Blog Archive » The Worst Thing That Can Happen To You:
"If you stick with it and get rid of limiting beliefs that you have, you will avoid the one thing in life that you can’t do anything about… Deep, dark, crushing regret.

...It turns out that I WAS FULL OF SHIT!!

I was scared and making excuses...

The point here is….FUCK! All those wasted years...

I’m certainly making up for lost time and loving life–but the regret of what could have been is heavy.

...stop for 30 seconds and consider–what if all the things that you truly believe in your heart that are holding you back are just not true?

What if it is all in your control? What if it always has been? What if your problems... are not just cursed fate or bad luck?

It’s a damn hard thing to consider.

Don’t wait until you are 50 to figure out that you’ve missed 30 years... because you believed something that was not true about yourself and it was nobody’s fault but your own.

Trust me… it sucks.

...start! Do something! Get better little by little. And in a year you might not recognize your life. "

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