
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

UNC Chapel Hill - font of wisdom.

Learning things you never knew before.

Overheard in the Office | Does It Mean I Can Stop Wearing Heels?:
"50-ish lady peon: Oh, honey, you don't have to lift those boxes!

20-ish lady peon: No, it's okay, I really don't mind. They're not very heavy.

50-ish lady peon: But that shows on a woman later in life!

20-ish lady peon: Shows? What do you mean?

50-ish lady peon: Well, you know, makes you big... Like the She-Hulk, or that hermaphrodite wrestler! You don't want people thinking you're not a woman, do you?

University of North Carolina, 208 Raleigh Street Chapel Hill, North Carolina"

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