
Sunday, September 09, 2007

"How we play the game is up to us."

Peaceful Warrior Blog:
"Whenever we are asked an either-or question, the wisest and truest answer is often, “both.”

Some things in life are preordained...

We may be fated to experience certain situations, or to move along our life path in a particular direction...

It would seem that each of us is predestined to play in a particular ballpark, but once there, how we play the game is up to us. We are predestined to climb a particular mountain — even take a particular path. But how far up the path we go, and the pace of the journey depends largely upon our will, our choice, our actions.

...I believe we can surrender to our fate yet guide it at the same time. We are not mere logs in the river of destiny. We can swim with the current towards our chosen shore."

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