
Monday, August 27, 2007

"You are safe. I am safe. This nation is safe. Quit being such a damned pussy. All of you."

Preach on, brother. Preach on... Hashers Arrested: Comments:
"Hashing is a crazy, sometimes exhilarating mix of running and drinking (yes, drinking). Two 'hares' set out on a 3-5 mile course through the city, and mark it with flour or chalk....

Anyway, two hashers were arrested this past weekend [and charged with a felony - Rob] for marking a trail with flour through an Ikea parking lot in New Haven. I suppose the initial overreaction is somewhat understandable, though a cursory investigation should have told police this wasn't a terrorist attack. That they're now being charged with felonies is sheer idiocy. Why can't local officials ever just admit that they screwed up? Someone's always gotta' pay.

I'll defer to John Cole now:

It is absurd. You are safe. I am safe. This nation is safe. Quit being such a damned pussy. All of you."

More from John Cole here - Balloon Juice:
"This is the real legacy of the last 7 years- a nation so whipped up into a frenzy over terrorism that you, me, anyone could be charged with a felony as long as some hysterical bedwetter somewhere thought we were committing an act of terrorism in our daily life.

The Salchow’s are just lucky they are white. If they had biked back to the scene wearing brown skin and attempted to make their way through the crowd to talk to the cops, they probably would have been shot.

The fact that this sort of shit is happening with increasing regularity just emboldens politicians to make more laws, take more of your rights, and spend more of your hard earned money in the name of security.

...It is absurd. You are safe. I am safe. This nation is safe. Quit being such a damned pussy. All of you.

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