
Friday, August 24, 2007

Touring Fukutsu with the new ALT.

Spent the morning taking a tour around Fukutsu, guided by esteemable supervisor Terashima-san, ostensibly to show the new ALT Teresa the area.

Beats working.

Here in our first photo, 4th year Jet Vet Kathy plays superstar to my paparazzi.

Followed by the obligatory visit to Miyajidake Shrine, what has to be my ninth or tenth visit, to once more plead with the heathen gods of Japan for a pleasant rice harvest. Or an ipod. Or something. As always, the largest ceremonial shrine rope in Japan presides.

After that, onwards to picturesque Ainsinosato Park.

Where we climbed the stairs of death.

Awfully nice view though.

From the hip, no-look, shot... which turned out awfully well, if I do say so myself. Makes it look as if the always cheerful Terashima just decided to pop his head out.

On the way back from the park, I convinced them to stop by a fertility shrine that one of the English teachers delighted in showing me a while back [Hi Akemi!]

Yes, children, that is a giant phallus.

Welcome to a world of no Judeo-Christian sexual hangups.

[We'll leave the Japanese hentai tentacle porn hangups for another time, yes?]

[No, I'm not joking.]

Out of nowhere, Kathy decides to break out "the Raj."

Okay, there was no "Raj."

And sadly, Kathy is probably too young to even get that joke. I don't care... syndicated afternoon episodes of What's Happening!!! molded my impressionable young mind.

Teresa, above, doing what can only be described as "frolicking" in the ocean.

After the beach and a couple other places we headed to "Sea Monster" in the Tsuyazaki side of Fukutsu for lunch with some American style burger fixins'.

For the visually impaired, that's a "Girls Wanted: No Experience Necessary" hat, unironically providing "America" style decor. Plus Bob Marley on the restaurant's music system. Good times.

And both Terashima-san and I engaged in eating the "Monster Burger" namesake of the restaurant. Clearly I picked the wrong week to try and eat healthier.

Beautiful cross cultural communication and bonding. Leading, of course, to obesity and heightened cholesterol. Gambaremashita!

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