
Thursday, August 02, 2007

This is about the most awesome thing I've seen today - 14 year old builds windmill to power house in Africa.

[Despite the "What am I doing with my life?" conundrum that arises when people much younger than you are kicking ass.]

TED | Talks | William Kamkwamba: How I built my family a windmill (video):
"When he was just 14 years old, Malawian inventor William Kamkwamba built his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he found in a library book. In conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Kamkwamba, now 19, tells a moving story of ingenuity and adaptation, and shares his dreams for the future. This talk inspired outpourings of support from the TED community and in the blogosphere."

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