
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pick Your Candidate - Cool way to find out what candidates views match your own.

Unsurprisingly, I ring up Kucinich, Gravel and Paul. I am way the hell outta the mainstream, clearly.

Pick Your Candidate:
"Okay, here's a really simple way to find out which candidates share your views. This script is composed entirely of data collected by Enter your choices below and hit GO to rank the candidates.

Here's how it works, if you want to know. If you agree with a candidate, he gets point(s). If you disagree, take point(s) away. Unkown/other results in no points. The number of points given or taken depends on the weight you set. "Meh" is worth 1 point, "important" 2, and "key" is worth 5. The items you disagree about will be listed directly underneath each candidate (if they score greater than zero).

[My results. - Rob]

Kucinich 45 No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban

Gravel 41 (you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Paul 26 Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare"

1 comment:

  1. Mine were...

    Kucinich 20
    Gravel 16
    Edwards 12
    Clinton 12
    Obama 11
    Dodd 11
    Biden 11
    Richardson 10
    Paul 1
    Thompson -5
    McCain -9
    Giuliani -9
    Cox -9
    Huckabee -16
    Romney -17
    Brownback -18
    Tancredo -18
    Hunter -21

    BTW...who is Gravel?
