
Friday, August 10, 2007

Patton Oswalt just rocks.


And his new CD is brilliant too.
"I just got a very polite, well-written, and genuinely friendly message about my criticisms of Bush and the war. The writer implied that my time in Hollywood had impaired my critical thinking. He also, with a wink and a shrug, said he was one of those 'crazies' who supported the troops, but was also for the war.

And his message included this heartwarming paragraph:

"The fact is, most of the people in charge of this war -from the White House on down to the staff level - care a great deal about our troops and want what's best for them. "

Here's my response (keep in mind I couldn't sleep last night, haven't had my tea yet, and Susan Sarandon and Ed Begley blew me off for veggie dogs):

What the fuck are you talking about? They can "care" all they want. Bush can give as many motherfucking speeches in front of soldiers, saying how "great" he thinks our troops are, and dress up in his little soldier costume all he wants.

It's his ACTIONS that concern me, now how much he "cares".

And his actions have been:

1. Reducing combat pay and health benefits to veterans

2. Denying troops functioning body armor and armored vehicles, while his contractor buddies get to ride around in concave-bellied Rhino transports, which are impervious to mines, and would save countless soldiers' lives.

I'm sorry, but your "reasoning" is unreasonable and childish. And this is not bullshit Hollywood propaganda. I got these facts from talking to combat veterans, and hearing first-hand their stories of being screwed over.

And yes, being "for the troops" and "for the war" is not only crazy, it's retarded.

Guess what? I support my grandma. But I'm also 100% behind the cancer that's killing her. Hope that doesn't sound "crazy".

Jesus Christ."

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