
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hey look! No accountability! Ever! Bwa ha hah!!!!

See, it was just the enlisted guys.

Didn't they tell you that? Directives about the inapplicability of the Geneva Conventions and the wink-wink nudge-nudge from everybody from the President to Rumsfeld to the DOJ had nothing at all to do with it.


Jesus, what cowardly douchebaggery.

Balloon Juice:
"And by the way, the only officer ever put on trial for Abu Ghraib was acquitted yesterday ... The cover-up is complete. The rabble-rousers who let the story out are all punished, those who orchestrated the behavior and set the policies in place and encouraged the behavior are still running the show. We’ll file that under “Thank Goodness the Adults are in Charge” and “Support the Troops!”"

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