
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cheney 1994: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire C-SPAN

No shit.

Wow, it's like he really knew what would happen 13 years ago, and then conveniently lied and ignored all the very problems he predicted in order to fight an optional war under false pretenses.

As for the "It's all different and 911 changed everything!" crowd [besides the fact that no, just because your head was buried in the sand doesn't mean that the world actually changed], even if you grant that argument, it doesn't change the fact that the quagmire and complications they knew would ensue were whitewashed and obfuscated with tales of being greeted as liberators, oil paying for the war and 'outta there in six months' bullshit.

YouTube - Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire C-SPAN:
"In this interview from April 15th, 1994, Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldn't be a great idea. He also stipulates that 'not very many' American soldiers' lives were worth losing to take out Saddam during the Gulf War. SOURCE: This clip was originally aired on C-SPAN3 [History] on the evening of Thursday, August 9th."

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