
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Blowback and real security threats.

Kung Fu Monkey: 'Fugees:
"For the empathy dead, let me simply point out that a couple million homeless refugee kids living in poverty with (right or wrong) vague memories of America destroying his country = lots and lots of radical fundamentalist recruiting fodder. The word for the decade will be 'blowback', folks. Learn it. Love it.

...A far greater threat to our security are "hollowed-out" states and failed states than "rogue" states. And we went in and hollowed out Iraq like a frikkin' jack-o-lantern. Or I suppose one could argue that the Rumsfeld Doctrine and Bush Administration just kind of carelessly let it be hollowed out rather than actually wielding the scoop. I don't think that implies a lot of moral high ground.

Rule #421 for the 21st Century: Do not topple governments without assuming that the worst case scenario is, indeed, what will occur."

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