
Friday, July 13, 2007

TESTOSTERONE NATION inteview with TC Luoma.

The whole thing is pretty damn funny. Men V Women... kids... life...

Good stuff.

Testosterone: One section of your book... is called "Men vs. Women." Yet another is about the feminization of males. Finally, you rage against the women out there who keep their hubby's testicles in mason jars. So which is it? Are women the enemy, the spoil of war, or our ultimate allies?

TC: I love women. I respect women. I harbor no prejudices whatsoever regarding women in private life or professional life. Women rock. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not going to imagine any woman I meet naked.

In truth, I wouldn't have any reason to get out of bed — or into it — were it not for women.

That being said, there are women who are just a pain in the ass. I have little tolerance for close-minded women with Puritanical viewpoints.
I'm lusty. Freakin' Gandhi was lusty. Everyone with normal hormonal levels is lusty. Live with it.

And when I speak of the feminization of males, I often wish there were a different word for it, because the traits I see in men that I rail against are not exclusive to women.

I hate weakness of character. I hate cowardice. I hate indecisiveness. Those traits aren't inherently female.

...Testosterone: Okay, you're not anti-marriage. How about "anti-kids?" Don't you call babies "totally dependant blobs?" Aren't you in fact [dramatic courtroom drama music here] anti-procreation?!

TC: No, I'm just tired of parents thinking they did something special by having a kid. You know, once something's been done, oh, I don't know, about 8 billion times, it's no longer a miracle. I'm tired of mothers who don the mantle of superiority because they have a baby in a carriage. No laws pertain to them, no rules of courtesy. "My baby is the Little Lord of the Universe, so you should all bow down to him. And if he screeches uncontrollably, feel blessed to have your auditory canal assailed by such a divine child."

I'm tired of all the endless discussion of what is and what isn't good for children. You know, the concept of childhood is only a little over a hundred years old, at least in the Western world. Children used to be apprenticed off when they were about 8, so all this hand-wringing about how the most trivial event is going to permanently scar Junior gets old.

Have your children, treat them well and hope they're in the 99th percentile of their class at the "Niles and Frazier Crane School for Effete Boys," but keep quiet about it, will you?

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