
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random Observations.

She is, literally, an explosion of organizational-ness.

Who's the husband who rocks with the gifts on anniversaries? That's right, it's me.

The official "10 years in..." photos.

How is it she's still cute whereas I simply appear to have swollen and lost my hair?

That might lead one to believe that marriage has been harder on one of us, yes?

Just saying... photos don't lie people.

1 comment:

  1. Oh really? Well allow me to blow your mind with some real facts here now... shave your head. You choose to have no hair. sit behind the computer a lot. You choose to sit for the majority of the day.

    It's not the marriage, my dear. I think it's your poor decision-making skills we need to call into question.

    Oh, decided to marry me...hmm...
