
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Parents are nuts in Japan too.

Education boards move to clamp down on unreasonable complaints by parents - MSN-Mainichi Daily News:
"Local boards of education have launched special measures against unreasonable complaints by parents, such as teachers having no right to tell students not to smoke, a Mainichi poll has learned.

...Some of the unreasonable complaints and requests filed by parents include a request for a school to pay for a new stove at a home after a truant student broke it and a demand for a school to cover the cost of a child's commute to a new school as his parents plan to transfer him because he was bullied.

One parent cited by a board of education claimed that school officials should wash baseball uniforms because sport club activities are compulsory.

The Edogawa Municipal Board of Education received 59 such unreasonable complaints from parents by telephone in fiscal 2002, followed by 87 in fiscal 2003, 96 in fiscal 2004, 156 in fiscal 2005 and 206 in fiscal 2006.

The Kyoto Municipal Board of Education has formed a special team of doctors, lawyers, former police officials and other experts to help local education authorities tackle the problem."

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