
Sunday, July 01, 2007

On manliness.

Nicely said.

Musings from America's Outback:
"In the olden times, like in the first half of the 20th century and even today in small pockets of resistance, these “agreements” used to be called “Being A Man.” By which I do not mean “being of the male gender” or “having the male plumbing” but rather, “Being A Man” like they would have said it in 1940 or some such. Stand straight and up for yourself and your loved ones. Tell the truth, be honest. Work hard. Be honorable.

Of course it is politically incorrect to say such a thing, mostly because it theoretically degrades women for being “less of A Man” than “A Man” would be. And I grok that. But what we used to have was an archetype of how A Man was supposed to behave – before Homer Simpson and all the other slovenly, lazy, chubby, idiotic, moronic, “pale penis people” who dominate the telly.

And not that every man behaved as A Man was supposed to, but since it was the supposed goal, and how mothers and fathers used to raise their sons, there was a greater expectation. And failing to live up to it carried greater shame."

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