
Friday, July 27, 2007

Moral of the story? Don't antagonize people with "pyro" in their names.

Maybe. Or possibly Navy folks are insane. Take your pick.

Boing Boing: Guy who lost online trollfight drives 1300 miles, burns dude's trailer:
"A dude on the internet referred to Navy Fire Controlman 2nd Class Petty Officer Russell Tavares as 'a nerd' in an online trollfight. In one of the more dramatic tales of internet rage we've seen lately, the 27-year-old Tavares, who believed himself to not be a nerd, hopped in his car and sped off 1,300 miles from Virginia to Texas, where the name-caller lived.

Tavares photographed road snapshots along his route, and posted the images online, as if to prove to his internet peers that he was not a luzer. When he got to there, he burned the dude's trailer down.

Anderson, who went by the screen name "Johnny Darkness," traded barbs with Tavares, aka "PyroDice.""

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