
Sunday, June 24, 2007

The personality isn't real.

More accurately a personality complex. Multifaceted. Everything exists within you. All thing, different aspects given rise through fate, choice, circumstance.

This resonated. Reminded me of some of Grant Morrison's writings on the the volitional multiple personality complex.

Reflections by Maria Kang:
"As I spoke with a friend, who found it unlike me to ‘let go’ on Friday night, the reality is, is that it was me – it just wasn’t what he ‘wanted’ to see in me.

In our daily lives we choose what we see. We can read a book a thousand times, drive down a road each day and talk to the same people year after year – and see something to different every single time we undergo that familiar yet “new” experience.

For a second, I started feeling ‘bad’ about not ‘being myself’ on Friday night – after all, I’m disciplined! I’m a health nut! And I like training in the morning! However, those aspects are only a piece of which I present to be, as well as the piece my friend chooses to see when I first welcomed him into my life.

It’s actually very scary to reveal sides of you that would make a person uncomfortable about being around you. After all, they are your 'friends' because you connect in a similar value. As we formulate, create and select our surroundings, there is an invisible thread that connects our spirits with the person, place or thing we feel 'familar' with.

What moves us into each other’s ‘spaces’ is an indiscernible motivation that fills the value needed between each separate individual at that moment in time.

We all unconsciously allow people into our lives that represent a piece of us and what we need.

...When you open yourself to possibilities, the life connections become endless.

When my friend saw a seemingly irresponsible side of me, while it didn't appear to be 'me' - in all reality it is. We are not one dimensional or even three dimensional - we are all dimensions of a sublime image.

...The one truth that exists is that we are all transient, evolving and growing - and beyond anything, I hope that the desire to understand and challenge our existence... is what connects me to you."

Pic via Wikipedia.

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