
Thursday, June 07, 2007

"The Nine Biggest Myths of the Workplace" by Penelope Trunk.

Explained in more detail at the link... but I liked this a lot. Things to remember if I ever get back into a regular "workplace."

How to Change the World: The Nine Biggest Myths of the Workplace by Penelope Trunk:
"1. You’ll be happier if you have a job you like.

The correlation between your happiness and your job is overrated. The most important factors, by far, are your optimism levels and your personal relationships. If you are a pessimist, a great job can’t overcome that...

2. Job-hopping will hurt you.

Job hopping is one of the best ways to maintain passion and personal growth in your careers...

3. The glass ceiling still exists.

The glass ceiling is over, not because people crashed through, but because people are not looking up. Life above the glass ceiling is 100-hour weeks, working for someone else, and no time for friends and family. And it’s not only women who are saying no to the ladder up: Men are as well. People want to customize success for themselves, not climb someone else rungs. So if no one is climbing to the top, the glass ceiling isn’t keeping anyone down.
4. Office politics is about backstabbing.

5. Do good work, and you’ll do fine.

For one thing, no one knows what the heck you’re doing in your cube if you’re not telling them. So when you do good work, let people know. It is not crazy to toot your own horn--it’s crazy to think someone will do it for you...

6. You need a good resume.

7. People with good networks are good at networking.

8. Work hard and good things will come.

Everyone can put in a seventy-hour week. It doesn’t mean you’re doing good work. So here’s an idea: Make sure you’re not the hardest worker. Take a long lunch. Get all your work done early. Grand thinking requires space, flexibility and time...

9. Create the shiny brand of you!

There is no magic formula to having a great career except to be you. Really you. Know who you are and have the humility to understand that self-knowledge is a never-ending journey. Figure out how to do what you love, and you’ll be great at it. Offer your true, good-natured self to other people and you’ll have a great network..."

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