
Friday, June 15, 2007

N*gger Wetb*ck Ch*nk.

From the clips available on YouTube, this looks funny and smart as hell.

Northwest Asian Weekly:Trio gives personal, funny look at racism:
"“N*gger Wetb*ck Ch*nk,” or N*W*C* for short, is not the sort of title for a theater production that goes without notice, much less controversy, in these times of political correctness.

So offensive are these words, many people refuse to see the show based on its title alone – James Bible, president of the Seattle King County chapter of the NAACP, for one.

N*W*C* is a play supporting diversity, one intelligently crafted to use “shocking revelations.” not anger, to “de-power” some of the most derogatory words in the English language. Off-stage, its actors lead educational workshops on race at several local schools.

N*W*C* is the winner of the 2003 award for “Best Play” from the American Readers Theater Association and returned on May 9 to the Kirkland Performance Center after its last successful run in 2006.

...Their main message – one that deserves repeating in all forms of entertainment – is “There’s only one race: the human race.” In the process of presenting stereotypes and racist jokes, this message is made clear at the beginning of the play and is repeated. Gregley is in complete pimp attire, a full-length coat and hat with a large white feather on top. Augustin wears a white sleeveless T-shirt and a bandana wrapped around his head. Axibal dons an Asian-print, light blue silk shirt and black silk pants..."

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