
Friday, June 08, 2007

How this doesn't cause deep and abiding shame in every American is beyond me.

More at the link.

Tetsubo Productions - Wherein There Are Not Words For My Disgust:
"Human Rights Watch, in coordination with several other human rights watchdog groups, released a report this week on the 39 people they believe the United States has "disappeared" into secret captivity. Bad enough that the United States is doing this, but Hilzoy at Obsidian Wings notes that the even worse crime is that included in the list of 39 are young children...

Consider the case of Col. David Hogg, who took an Iraqi general's family hostage in order to force his surrender. And that was something about which they were only to happy to tell the public. ("We violated the Geneva Conventions! That's AWESOME") Seymour Hersh has stated repeatedly that he's aware of worse things happening to kids in Iraq and of which classified records exist, and knowing Hersh, he's probably right.

What I can unfortunately understand is why this is happening...

They simply believe the moral high ground to be for wimps who don't want to fight dirty, and they are the worst - the worst - kind of cowards. And that's why there are missing kids now."

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