
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

GaijinSmash brings the funny.

My favorites of many more observations, at the link. [Think Jack Handy. But a large black man. In Japan. And drunk.]
"A lot of Japanese men seem to drink alcohol everyday. I asked them if they thought they might be alcoholic. They said they only drank to take away the constant misery and depression. Well, as long as they've set realistic goals for themselves, I see no problem.

I wonder how many geeks have built Gundams in their basement? Like, they're waiting for the day Godzilla shows up so they can hop in their Gundams and defend Tokyo. Boy, will those guys be surprised when the first wave of hedgehogs make their brutal strike.

I was riding on my bicycle one day when the police stopped me. Angry, I said, "You're only stopping me because I'm a Gaijin, aren't you!" At that point, my bicycle begged the police to help her, and then I had to run away."

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