
Monday, June 18, 2007

Cuddly Dominion [I kid you not, that's the name.]

Couple weekends ago we went to "Cuddly Dominion" animal park. As with all zoos and menageries, it's one part fascinating creatures, one part slightly depressing animal prison.

The bears, when not lounging about, which they were quite good at, had learned how to wave and clap in order to get attention so that you could throw them food. Very creepy-cute, in an anthropomorphized kinda way.

Bachan decides after 81 years on planet earth, it's time to ride a horse! First time ever. That's some spunky grandma, yeah?

No idea who this kid was, but this pic was entirely too cute not to sneak.

Grandma and some grandkids.

It remains my contention that animals wearing human clothes remains an abomination unto God.

[I'm looking at you mama Snider. And your little dog, too.]

Nobody ever takes me seriously :)

Pictures with the muzzled baby bear was slightly surreal. Keeping in mind, the whole time, that were there no muzzle, and he hungry, people = dinner.

One of the major draws of the park was James [the dog] and Pan-kun [the chimp] who performed together and did magic, with people-help, of course. The show was pretty fun. And the animals seemed taken care of, which was nice.

More pics here, if that's your thing:

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