
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Yumi's last High School concert.

Cousin Yumi's last High School Brass Band concert. Time marches on, and nothing but study, study, study for the poor lass from now on.

Blow, bassoon, blow.

Except for the weird ghost effect, most everybody who came, 'cept for the gaijin contingent.

Picture of the night, which sadly, you can't really make out.

Allow me to educate you. See, the young lady in the middle is Sailor Moon. And she has a machine gun. And she has just finished blowing away all those kids around her.


Think of how that might play in the US.

The farewell slideshow for the the 3rd graders, and cousin Yumi for all to see. Too cute.

The stagehands kinda blew it with the spotlight for Yumi's solo, so via the magic of Picasa I played with it a bit... not as good as an actual spotlight, but hey, I do what I can.

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