
Saturday, May 05, 2007

"worst in 37 years"

Boing Boing: Bratton: LAPD attacks on reporters, protestors "worst in 37 years":
"Carl Stein, longtime cameraman for Los Angeles television station KCAL, struggling and in pain on the ground after having been beaten by LAPD officers.

Anonymous friend of Carl Stein tells BoingBoing, "He spoke to the photo editor at [one major US newspaper which ran this photo] the day of the incident and explained that the photo depicted the cops beating him to the ground. Interestingly, when the paper went to press, the caption reads that the cops are helping him to get up. WTF?"

# LAPD chief Bill Bratton is quoted in this NYT article as saying the episode is the worst such incident he has "encountered in 37 years" in law enforcement.

# On a post to Joi Ito's mail list, Sasha Costanza-Chock writes:

LAPD brutally attacked thousands of families celebrating international workers' day in downtown macarthur park, using rubber bullets, batons, motorcycles and chemical spray. They even attacked several members of the media, including Fox News and Telemundo correspondents! It was so ludicrous that they are no longer even attempting to spin it in the standard way (ie, 'we used controlled nonlethal force against a few troublemakers). They have abandoned that line and even the chief (bratton) has admitted that it got out of hand."

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