
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Religion and school, in fact, try to teach you the exact opposite.

Thornton's Guerilla_Blog: Notes on risk. . .:
"...carve your own path. It's always ready for you, provided your prepared to ignore everyone else who claims to know what you should be doing instead.

Most people are not prepared for that, not by upbringing, not by religion, not by school, and not by birth. They never will listen to their own inside voice, in exclusion to the authorities. It becomes not a life less ordinary, an adventure, joyful, unique and built solely for you. Rather, it's played safe, and instead it is nothing but the wasteland. There is a better way, and it doesn't involve teachers, gurus, clergy, psychologists, new agers, or 'life coaches'. It involves just you, your heart, your soul, and a little silence."

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