
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Principles of Change

Bear repeating. And reminding. And repeating. And then more reminding.

Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale: Principles of Change:
"A dear friend who knew me over thirty years ago, when I was in poverty and struggling, is baffled by my level of success today.

...she asked me an interesting question:

"How'd you do it?"

...I think my change came from the following principles of conscious creation:

1. Constant belief clearing.

I feel we live in a belief created universe. Most of us, myself included, are living our lives based on programming we aren't even aware of. Those unconscious beliefs are causing us to see the world the way we do, and to take the actions (or not take them) that we do. To get different results, you have to change the programming. I keep working on myself with books and audios and seminars... The only limitations are my own. The way to change them is inside me... This is the most important key to permanent change. Everyone who finds their limiting beliefs and changes them will get new results. Everyone. And "everyone" includes you.

2. Constant action.

...Most people don't take any action because they talk themselves out of it. They are afraid of failure, or success. This is why step one (belief clearing) is so important. Take care of the doubts and you naturally take actions. I'm the guy in the movie The Secret that urges you to take inspired action, so it should come as no surprise to you that I still believe action is one of the essential keys to change. Action is a great way to install and transcend The Secret.

3. Constant ruthless honesty.

Most people lie to themselves about what they really want. They say things that are socially acceptable or safe in some other way, instead of opening their heart and speaking the truth about their desires. Being ruthlessly honest with yourself helps you discover your passion, and passion is the fuel that brings you new levels of success. Passion is my secret to success. Passion is your guidance system that leads you to change."

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