
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Nice story. Always try... always try.

Complete story at the link.

Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale: Melinda's One-Finger Manicure:
"...At the end of her spiel, I bought just under one hundred dollars of her goods.

She then announced, "My name is Melinda and you were my first customer."

I was stunned.

Almost speechless.

"You've never done this before?" I asked.

"Today's my first day," she replied. "You're my first customer."

Her boss was standing behind the kiosk and came out to confirm that yes, indeed, Melinda just made her first sale.

Goes to show you that you can never determine what people are thinking, what their skills or experience level might be, or much else, until you put them on the stage.

And even then you won't know for sure.

This is true for you, as well.

So go out there and try something new today."

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