
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Japan is just too wacky sometimes.

Hell hath no fury like a porn star scorned -- just ask her niece - MSN-Mainichi Daily News:
"Age traditionally comes before beauty; but after ex-AV star Kyoko Teranishi found out her boyfriend had traded her in for her 14-year-old niece, the enraged porn queen whipped the teen round the head with a coat hanger for several hours, leaving her with serious injuries and landing herself a 500,000 yen fine.

Teranishi, the girl's 50-year-old father and her grandmother all joined in for the session of corporal punishment, using a coat hanger to beat the girl for about four hours at the victim's home in Noda, Chiba Prefecture, on April 20, according to court records.

"I hit my niece to punish her for dating my boyfriend. But it went too far," she was quoted as telling investigators during questioning."

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