
Saturday, May 19, 2007

The irony of posting this doesn't escape me.

Testosterone Nation - ATOMIC DOG: My Speech to the Graduates, 2007:
"The trouble is, you'll one day emerge from years of virtual passivity. I say 'virtual' because it'll involve a little bit of interaction from you, but no more than a few mouse clicks or abbreviated keystrokes. You'll have spent who knows how long letting songs from I-Tunes and images from You Tube simply wash over your tree stump of a brain and your only communication with the world will be through abbreviated keystrokes.

You'll have created your own world, all right, but it's just a My Space world with some really fresh wallpaper. And while it's nice to have a theme song, the recording artist probably didn't have you in mind when he wrote it.

You're bored rats in a lab pressing a lever to get a treat, bored rats that inexplicably have delusions of grandeur.

Unfortunately, for most of you, when you wake up from this electronic torpor, you'll have missed your life...

...If you're vulnerable to every false god that comes along, you're pretty much doomed to be a 7-11 clerk...4EAE. (That's "forever and ever" to you non-texting people.) And not even a dayshift 7-11 clerk. No, you won't be good enough for "the show." You'll work the night shift and when some punk slips a 12-count box of Bud underneath his parka, you'll look the other way lest he use your rectum as a bottle opener.

If you're prone to every false god that comes along, you're emotionally and intellectually weak. You're a plastic duck."

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