
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I now feel defined and whole.

Of course, I'm also nuts. I suppose I should take some comfort from the fact there's a name for my particular idiosyncracy.

Still would be impossible to explain here in Japan though. But when I get back to America, I'll pretentiously use this at every opportunity. Because saying, "Yeah, I eat a mostly vegetarian diet almost all the time, just trying to cut down cruelty and suffering, except on some occasions when I'll have some seafood, or the very, very rare occasions when I'll have some chicken or beef, blah, blah, blah, I've now bored you to death... and me too, oh god kill me now please."

Flexitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Flexitarianism is the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food. Flexitarians prefer to eat vegetarian food, but make occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic, or nutritional reasons. They will eat meat and other animal products sometimes. For example, a flexitarian might make only vegetarian dishes at home, but eat dishes including meat at the home of family or friends.

In 2003, the American Dialect Society voted flexitarian as the year's most useful word and defined it as "a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat"."

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