
Monday, April 23, 2007

"You didn't like who I was, so I became someone else."


[damn right]

All The Rage:
"...Bono, during his fly's-eye-shades MacPhisto phase, once said, "You didn't like who I was, so I became someone else." And so it is with John Reinhardt, one-time boy genius of the American coastal city of Heavenside. Some people will tell you Johnny Reinhardt was a nice guy with too many ideas. Some will tell you he was a delusional prick who should have been locked up in an asylum until he died. The truth? Well, who cares about the truth? He disappeared a few years ago, leaving his immense Gothic family home on the Heavenside hills empty and abandoned. And all the counter-cultural things he started have kind of died off, or withered at best. Because no-one would listen to him. And why would they? He was rich, gifted and yet attempting to "tell it like it is," in the old term.Three years of world travel taught him that he didn't know enough, and wasn't fake enough.

So the man who returns to Heavenside today uses the name Doktor Sleepless when he commences his pirate radio broadcasts across Heavenside, and floods the place with strange signs and stranger books.

But perhaps he's never been away. He knows too much about, say, the Grinders, the people who home-brew bio-electric body modifications. He seems to know a lot about Tags, the implantable wireless computer chips that deal with everything from your rental of police services to recording your voting record. Some people say he's never been away at all.

What's the book about? It's about Doktor Sleepless. Is he really John Reinhardt? Did he ever leave? What is he really up to? Does he honestly want to raise the voice of subcultural dissent in Heavenside? Or is that a means to an end?"

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